Code of Conduct
Aims of the BFMT Code of Conduct for Business Partners
The BFMT Group's Code of Conduct sets out the requirements and principles of cooperation with its business partners. This concerns in particular compliance with ethical standards, applicable law and the maintenance of integrity. Business partners of BFMT Group are all companies from which BFMT Group purchases goods and services. This includes suppliers, consultants, agents, other providers of goods and services, etc. BFMT Group expects its business partners to ensure that the requirements set out in this Code of Conduct are respected and complied with by its business partners in all business areas worldwide.
General principles
From the point of view of the BFMT Group, economic success together with sustainability and socially responsible action are the central building blocks of any company. Therefore, BFMT Group expects all its business partners to
carry out their business activities within the framework of the applicable rights, in particular human rights, anti-corruption, data protection, competition, antitrust and environmental law, and respect and protect these rights
are committed to ensuring that their business partners also comply with and protect the aforementioned rights
act in a fair, sustainable, responsible and honest manner.
Responsibility towards society
The BFMT Group believes that the assumption of social responsibility and compliance with ethical standards are central to sustainable success and value-oriented corporate management. For this reason, we expect all our business partners to respect and comply with the following principles:
The observance of human rights worldwide.
The strict renunciation of child labour and forced labour.
Tolerance and equal opportunities combined with the promotion of diversity in the company.
Freedom to form interest groups, to respect freedom of assembly and the associated rights of employees.
Respect for safety with regard to the working environment, employee qualifications and also products and services.
Maintaining the safety of employees in terms of occupational health and safety, appropriate working conditions and preventive health measures.
Respect for the environmental protection requirements applicable to the company, as well as the recognition of environmental protection in general as a central principle of economic activity.
Fair and appropriate remuneration of employees.
The protection of data privacy and compliance with the DSGVO.
Rejection of all forms of corruption
BFMT Group rejects any form of corruption or other prohibited business practices. BFMT Group believes that honesty, openness and integrity are essential for dealing and communicating with all business partners.
Corruption and bribery are not tolerated.
No inappropriate payments are made to consultants or other external persons.
Invitations will only be accepted or extended if they would not result in an unreasonable advantage. Proportionality must also be observed for gifts and possible conflicts with the Anti-Corruption Act must be taken into account.
Bribery of public officials, regardless of its extent or nature, will not be tolerated.
Donations or similar benefits to political parties that are not in accordance with applicable law will not be tolerated.
Donations are made on a voluntary basis only, not to gain advantages for the company's own business activities.
The business partners of BFMT Group respect the provisions of the Money Laundering Act.
Competitive behaviour of BFMT Group's business partners
From BFMT Group's point of view, its business partners as well as itself are always responsible for acting responsibly, sustainably and fairly on the market.
Compliance with all competition-relevant guidelines, the strict renunciation of price fixing or similar legally impermissible agreements and the confidential handling of competitionrelevant sensitive information must be observed.
All business partners of BFMT Group are responsible for respecting and complying with the rights and obligations applicable to them, both in Germany and worldwide.
Respect of the BFMT code of conduct by business partners
All business partners of BFMT Group are responsible for ensuring that the requirements mentioned here are met.
Persons who point out possible violations of the regulations mentioned in this code of conduct may under no circumstances be disadvantaged or even punished.
The business partners of BFMT Group are committed to complying with these guidelines in the same way as BFMT Group itself and also pass them on to their business partners.
Consequences in the event of infringements
The aim of this Code of Conduct is to promote a partnership and honest cooperation between the BFMT Group and its business partners. In the event of minor infringements, it is in the interest of BFMT Group to give the business partner the opportunity to remedy them and to create suitable remedial measures.
In the event of serious infringements, BFMT Group reserves the right to react to the incidents with appropriate severity and, in case of doubt, to terminate the business relationship immediately. This can lead to claims for damages and the assertion of other rights.